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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Transmission testing of communications

To all:
   My two sons and I have sucessfully transmitted a communications between a sending unit and a hydrophone reciever a distance of 500 feet today!
   A redesign of the transmission circuits for voice communications is in order as the outgoing signal was reduced for this mode of operation. A provided musical tone as well as a siren were also available and both of these modes worked very well. Voice could be heard but due to the reduced volume, could not be fully understood.
   Although farther ranges could be achieved with pulsed tone or morse code, I would say 500 feet or slightly farther would be the farthest this system could effectively communicate. Beyond this point the signal demishes and becomes blended with ambient background noise. Of course, as the sea state increases or boat traffic intensifies, the range would be lessened as a result.
   If two boats were so equipt each with a transponder and hydrophone, underwater communications between the two could be performed up to this range and as we redesign this transmitter for submarine installation, communications at any operational depth could be achieved.

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