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Hi Steve:
I am also just starting to gather information. So far I have a set of k350 plans, the Handbook of Acrylics, downloaded the ABS rules for building underwater vehicles which goes with the stress analyses program on the PSUB web site, and a double handful of manufactures' info articles I also downloaded; most are unread at present. I will not have a lot of time to devote to the project until after Christmas. I looked at some info on the ASME web site and found it expensive to purchase, but I have been told that there a lot of free info there;
 just haven't had time to look. keep us posted and good luck 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 5:55 PM

Seems slow so I?ll jump in??.


I just ordered a copy of the ASME PVHO-1 (Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy) code book.  I am still not sure if this is the primary guidance for pressure vessel (psub pressure hulls) welding code rules/guidance or whether ASME Sect. 8 (pressure vessels) is the guidance.  Maybe it is part of both.  I want to build to ABS standards and I am researching some issues but I am swimming in the maze of guidance docs. Is there anyone who has gone through the same research who wants to comment regarding which is the best reference?



Steve McQueen

Indianapolis, IN