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Greetings SMMO's,
Subject to be discussed is the PSUB Builders Virus,
How does one know if they, or a love one has this virus?
Symptoms may include:
No spare change for Girl Scout Cookies.
No cash or credit left in the bank or piggy bank.
You have a pet that can weld and/or paint.
You don't have a house, but you own allot of steel.
Over 90% of the books you own have the work submarine in them some place.
Massive amounts of weeds in your garden scare the bugs away.
You think the color yellow is cool.
Your hair sorta looks like it did in the 70's.
You know what the abbreviations VBT, MBT, SBT, BDH, FRP, FOS, ABS, WHOI, HBOI, AIP, CB, and SMMO, stand for off the top of your head.  Yes I know that you might need a mirror to see and read the tattoos on the top of your head.
You would rather wear your SCUBA gear and melt lead then go on a picnic on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
You think submarines are sexy, and you will only will date someone if they agree with you on that point.
There are no MIG wire or stick electrodes left in your home town.
No sand in your local city park kids sand box, since you used it all to blast your contraption.
You tell people your blooming, but not an idiot.
No space left on you hard drive for sub pictures.
You dig up great quotes from great people, to defend yourself.
There is one or more pictures of you up on the local pub wall, calling you the village idiot.
Always day dreaming, so you have to walk or be driven were ever you need to go.
You notice a lack of respect from ones friends and family until the sub is done and working.
Your shop smells like mercaptan (propane smell) and so your neighbors call it the skunk works.
Your up until 2 or 3  PM (when using the time zone on the other side of the world as your own) emailing other SMMO's with the same said virus.
Your dictionary is always at your side, and Google is your best friend when your gentle with it.
You know that Holland is also a town in Michigan.
Every train, plane, car, truck, forklift, boat, go cart, or other contraption you see, you try to figure out how it could be modified to be a submersible, or at least use the parts off of it for one.
Did I miss any symtoms, I'm pretty sure I did?
But what could I know about this virus, don't listen to me, I'm a submarine half full of the good smoke, kind of guy.
Brent Hartwig