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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Yet another "drug" sub captured./sensors

Good old Johnny Walker will laught about that. 

"Peter Madsen" <peter@submarines.dk> schrieb:
> Finaly somone with a realitic sence of what is posible and what is not !
> Good that the Culombian´s don´t have a Collins....
> Regards,
> Peter
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Stephen Pearce" <sjpearceqld@bigpond.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 10:23 AM
> Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Yet another "drug" sub captured./sensors
> > Peter
> >
> > I completely agree with your observations as to how stealthy a 
> > conventional
> > submarine can be.
> >
> > Australia's Collins Class subs have positively embarrassed the US navy in
> > various exercises by scoring hits on Nuke boats and Carriers (USS Ronald
> > Reagan) repeatedly, completely undetected and escaped after letting its
> > weapons loose on the targets.
> >
> > In the last RIMPAC exercises the only way the US Navy kept track of HMAS
> > Rankin (Collins Class Sub) was by deploying dipping sonar from helicopters
> > from the time she left the dock. As soon as a US destroyer came close 
> > enough
> > it provided enough noise that they lost her once again with two 
> > helicopters
> > deployed.
> >
> > I'm not having a crack at the US navy as the Collins Boats embarrass the
> > Australian Navy in the same way, but to say submarine detection is well
> > advanced as a skill possessed by the navies of NATO or ANZUS countries is
> > demonstrateably untrue.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Steve Pearce
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> > [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Peter Madsen
> > Sent: Saturday, 11 August 2007 11:09 AM
> > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Yet another "drug" sub captured./sensors
> >
> > Sirs,
> >
> > How wonderfull a world we live in...
> >
> > ASW is posible - if you know where to look and acturally do it. NObody 
> > would
> >
> > look after us if we loaded a ton of hash in Copenhagen and shipped it to
> > greenland where the locals pay ten times the street cost in Copenhagen.
> >
> > What stunnes me is how much you belive in authorities - in Carstens case 
> > he
> > is excused because he is German - but the others -
> >
> > ASW is compareble to walking in a at night in jungle with a flashlight. If
> > you point it by chance the right way - you will look in to the eyes of a
> > snake - but mostly - all you see is trees trees and more trees...
> >
> > Do you imagine - that someone constantly listenes to all sound contacts - 
> > in
> >
> > e.g. coastal US waters - and compares the number of sound contact with the
> > number of ordinery boats ?!
> >
> > Do you know how much such survailance cost ?!
> >
> > Do you really belive what the US navy claims to be able to do - just 
> > because
> >
> > they say so ?
> >
> > I can - 100 % guarentied - dive directly into our navys main base in
> > Copenhangen and surface - and only then will they realice they have a
> > visitor. Why - because they are not expecting U47 and Gunter Prien...
> >
> > I have sailed surfaced down the Copenhagen habor with a live, Sidewider 
> > size
> >
> > missile on my back deck - everbody smiled and took pictures - how could 
> > they
> >
> > know it was sceintific sounding rocket and not a weapon ?
> >
> > People - are exceptinally stupid - until they are hit by fact - as in the
> > case of september 11 th...
> >
> > I have - closed to the HMS Invincible - a Royal Navy aircraft carrier - 
> > with
> >
> > none noticing the uboat until I said "hello !" up the hatch. They were not
> > expecting a midget submarine...ergo I could have dropped a mine on her
> > side - and retreated safe to enjoy the sight of the Invincibles
> > sinking...one the mine detonated below her hull augmented by the seabed...
> >
> > Once onboard the carrier I asked what measures they had against underwater
> > threads - and was informed that they vere unprotected against midget
> > submarines. HMS Shoot me...
> >
> > I have surfaced five meters from a German Type 206 Alpha submarine - to 
> > the
> > crews astonishment - they later visited Freya -
> >
> > Why are submarines continuing in planing and construction worldwide -
> > because they are effective stealth weapons - as in  the past, today and in
> > the foreseble future.
> >
> > Frankly - dont belive what ASW people happen to claim when they ask the
> > congress for money...
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: <clientes@tolimared.com>
> > To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 5:32 PM
> > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Yet another "drug" sub captured./sensors
> >
> >
> >> Hi Carsten Peter,
> >>
> >> Yep carsten, this is more or less the level what sensor technology we 
> >> are
> >
> >> talking about...Just to complete... Hubble space telescope which  is the
> >> civilian version of spy satelites can detect the light of a car  in paris
> >> from united states - in all kind of wavelenght...radar  satelites can 
> >> look
> >
> >> how much rock dust contains ice cap on mars 3 km  below surface...a
> >> colombian admirals smiles about the remote  possibility of a submarine
> >> sliping trough sensors - when it is made  out of concrete - not of steel
> >> which already was easy to find by early  magnetic sensors...colombian 
> >> navy
> >
> >> makes physiologic studys on whales  that include heart beat and breath
> >> data without closing in on  disturbance distance...I can see a chart of
> >> blue and gray whale  distribution in bering sea on internet (cortesy of 
> >> US
> >
> >> navy). A us navy  admiral says in history channel - they did not know it,
> >> but no soviet  submarine came out of our sensor range at any time in any
> >> ocean for a  single day during whole cold war EVER ! - declassified info
> >> !!!
> >>
> >> As somebody who lives in colombia i also know that there is a treaty
> >> unique  of its kind - between colombia and United States that allows  US
> >> warships to enter colombian territorial waters with no restriction  to
> >> deploy that kind of sensors, - to hunt freely so to say - i find a
> >> submariners cap "USS Boston nuclear submarine" on my beach in Tolu  when
> >> having my vacations...
> >>
> >> Smugglers are professionals they know that things at least as detailed 
> >> as
> >
> >> we do.
> >> And they have experience what works and what not.
> >>
> >> It is easier to disappear a 25 ton container on a freighter containing
> >> thousands of containers and staying in port for 1 day on a tight  shedule
> >> leaving customs with a impossible search task - you have just  to delete 
> >> a
> >
> >> record in the database a secretary will do the favor. -  not to fight
> >> against all the sensors that WW2 and cold war and billion  of dollars of
> >> military investigation brought up in just that point -  detect 
> >> submarines.
> >>
> >> If you had to make a list of US navies most loved and trained  scenarios
> >> the colombian coke submarine would be on top together with  the arab bomb
> >> submarine...
> >>
> >> So to speak with carsten where would be your money if you have to bet  -
> >> mine would be 99% for the hunter - if you had a AKULA or similar.
> >>
> >> Coke and bomb submarines szenarios will keep poping up when it comes  to
> >> justify navy and satellite budgets in US congress - but similar to
> >> bigfoot, UFO, Nessi, and company real world is a different case...
> >>
> >> Cheers, Wil
> >> (concretesubmarine.com)
> >>
> >>
> >> Quoting MerlinSub@t-online.de:
> >>
> >>> Hi Peter,
> >>>
> >>> A friend of mine is a physican. He told me some 15 years ago that 
> >>> there
> >
> >>> is a machine in a basement of a University Labatory in   Hamburg. Huge
> >>> and cooled down with liquied helium for 4000 euro a   month
> >>> running cost. And able to detect any nuke sub running under the pole  -
> >>> and from Hamburg..
> >>>
> >>> And there are satelitts available which meassure the seawave heigh   by
> >>> graphity..
> >>> Other one meassure the deep of the sea bottom by radar.
> >>>
> >>> And I can see wrecks of ships in not so deep water by google eath
> >>> satellit pictures..
> >>> And they have only 30 % or less resolution of what are possible..
> >>>
> >>> And any harbour can be protected by a simple magnetic loop on the
> >>>   floor - even the hole Florida coast if nessesary. The harbour of
> >>> singapur has that and even Gibraltar has one since 1942!
> >>>
> >>> The US underwatermicrophone system was able to detect the remains
> >>> unhappy USS Scorpion over a distance of 3000 sm. And they detect the
> >>> explosion of the russian sub also.
> >>>
> >>> I52 was detectet by sonar microphones from a aircraft in 1944 - than 
> >>> hit
> >
> >>> by a microphone Torpedo, launched from the same aircraft. The   operator
> >>> of the aircraft make a tape with the noise of the  electric  motors and
> >>> propellers of the sub, the splasch of the torpedo   launching and the
> >>> sound of the running torpedo and the sound of the   impact, explosion 
> >>> and
> >
> >>> suinking of the sub. And i hear that tape on   the internet in 2005!
> >>>
> >>> I myself found yust last year a wreck MIG17 jetaircraft which less 
> >>> mass
> >
> >>> and size than Kraka with a side scan sonar woth of about 20.000  and 15
> >>> years old.
> >>>
> >>> The found just some years ago a wreck of a uboat of teh norwegian
> >>> coastline - on the sidescan pictures you can see even the hatches of 
> >>> the
> >
> >>> liferaft containers on there superstructure!
> >>>
> >>> If I today have the chooise between the hunter and the smuggler I   vote
> >>> 75% for the hunter.
> >>>
> >>> regards Carsten
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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