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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Jon, convention stuff


I've got the discs back, one with pretty grainy films, but serviceable, I think, and another with 50 photographs of different submarines, etc. We'll only be using 3 of the film segments during my talk (most of the rest will be there if we need to kill some time or the other guys are interested at a later time) and I'll finish with a slide show of the photographs, if that's all right. At this rate, I'll probably take the entire hour and a half, with about half for the talk as written, and half for film, photos and Q&A. How would that be?

How do you want them? I could pack copies and FedEx you the whole thing overnight, with hard copies of the two versions of my talk (plus send those on file attached to an email, if you like). How would that be?


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