Thank you for this, ....Jay had also provided me a similar link.
I think that as a result of these articles, I will take the step of contacting the C.O. and crew of NR-1, to tell them their little ship, does in fact...inspire the private sector.
I'm going to fire off a "snail mail" letter this week with drawings of the NR-2 concept and, if ok with Jon and Ray, an introduction to
From: "Smyth, Alec" <>
To: <>
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FW: Navy's Reliable NR-1 Research Vessel Won't Be Easy To Replace
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:07:42 -0400
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><< Navy_sReliableNR-1ResearchVesselWon_tBeEasyToReplace.htm >>