Hello Captain Peter,
We are waiting with baited breath for your UC3 Pictures. Perhaps I should just fly over there and take them myself. ; )' The group will pay for my trip, right guys? It would likely be cheaper to ship a new camera to you, but not as much fun. I think I know why you don't have a digital camera. That 44" prop drained your life savings, unless you found it at sea, while on Kraka.
What type of primer and paint are you planning to use on the UC3?
Are you tired of welding yet?
Brent Hartwig
"Those that say it can't be done, should get out of the way of those doing it"
"If you don't have a vision, then your reality will always be determined by other's perceptions."
- Melanëe Addison
" Do, or Do Not, there is no try."
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others. "
-- Groucho Marx