I've been running a thought experiment in my head for an ambient dry glider (though I suppose a 1atm sub could do the same). The idea is to have
the sub ballasted negatively and use gravity as the propulsion source. At max depth (depending upon how much pressure the pilot was willing to risk/withstand) enough ballast is expelled to provide positive bouyancy. The ballast taken on and expelled should be forward of the CG to provide nose down attitude at neg. bouyancy and nose up at pos. Query: is there a means of expelling ballast water mechanically so that one does not have to carry an inordinate amount of compressed air to achieve this effect? I have an idea for a suspended weight acting as a piston but don't know if this is feasible. Just toying with an idea. PR ps My computer and server are sloooow, so I don't ck my email every day. It might take me a while
to reply to any questions. |