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    I am from Iowa Arnolds Park to be exact. This is on west lake okoboji. It is around 135ft deep very clear spring and fall, moderately clear in the summer.
    I should clarify myself. The two man wet is more of a diver delivery vehicle, I think. I'm new to this sort of thing. I don't really understand how to classify these, at all.
    I sort of inherited what looks like a 70s built open sub.
It is made from a 250 gallon removable aircraft fuel tank. Two separate cockpit holes were made and it contains the scuba gear instead of being worn by the occupants, this must change due to safety. It is powered by two mk 80 thrust lowers mounted more toward the front and can be moved up or down to maneuver. I feel these should be moved more toward the rear and be stationary. Probably using a wing system to for up down side to side. I think I may need to strip it down to a hull and start over. I think maybe my first step is to open the passenger compartment you hold divers in full gear. Preferably two, I'm a firm believer in dive buddies. My second step would be to compensate for motor battery and gear weight and adjust buoyancy with a non compressible source. Keeping the unit just positive.
    I am an experienced diver, but very new to sub building. Am I going about this in the right manor or am I insane? I'm not an engineer or mathematic. So I have to really on trial and error. Any advice or recourses would be greatly appreciated. 