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Hello Frank,
I will need all dimensions you can get for your design. Do you have paper plans? Made some sketck from autocad or anything else?
If you can scan them, and mail them to me I'll be glad to help.
I would not waste time on what you have already decided. Like the hull. (unless you want to be sure, for reinforcement and such)
Maybe we can concentrate on specific parts you need, like the viewport.
Contact me off-list. Send me what you have and I will see what else I need.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] CAD help!!!

Hello Pierre. That would be nice if we all offered our talents. I would appreciate any work you could do on identifying weak spots in my design.
In turn, maybe there is something I can do for you.
How would I get a drawing to you?
My sub is of a slightly different design than the Kittredge.
More of a clam shell than a tube, with semi-hemispherical tank ends as top and bottom, rather than ends on a tube. Kinda like a squashed sphere.
My model testing shows that it should offer more free-board, shallower draft, and more usable space inside than the tube design.
The hydrodynamics are a little less efficient than a long slender tube, but at slow speed ( like most psubs ) the difference is negligible, and I'll have room for comfortable, side-by side seating.( if I can find anyone brave enough to try it! )
I've finally got the parts into fabrication ( 5 months of haggling ) and hope to see them in a month. 
Windows have to be the weak spot, and I'll be putting 4 inch "T" ribs inside in the areas that need additional support.
Expected depth is about 300 feet with 2 inch thick windows, but my guess is that most dives will be 100 feet or less.
Approximate weight is 8400 lbs. for the 84 inch diameter/56 inch tall main hull.
I hope to be able to get 6 knots submerged speed out of her.
I look forward to hearing from you......Frank D. (408) 353-6645  Calif time.