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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Ring Thruster Data

once again my ignorance to this media and not
using the correct subject matter. following
is an idea i have been thinking on a rescue device
used from surface craft for a poor diabled psub
What ya all think? still just basic planning
but I havnt' seen anything on this in the
archives. Are their any existing methods
been done already?
following is my idea of an emergency retrieval device to pull
disabled psub up.
Basically it consist of a float attached to a spool of small
diameter strong line (such as SPECTRA).
The float is released in an emergency and surfaces.
Top side on the tender is a cone shaped heavy lifting
device with a hole thru it to run the line from float.
The cone device is equiped with an appropriate
device to attach a wench and cable..
Then the cone is overboard and allowed to follow the
line down to and into  the receptacle on sub.
the cone will penitrate thru hole and locked in when locking
fingers spring back above it. This will lock it in place and
the wench can than be used to bring the sub to surface.
The full details strengths and location etc have not been
worked out but I think it would work even if sub is at a fairly
steep anglel from vertical, the ring diameter would determine
what angles could be achieved, and naturally the superstructure
would have to be built to handle the load.
attached is simple sketch
once again I have not been able to attach the sketch
Appreciate any assistance on what I might not be doing right.\
to send attach or sketchs on note
Dean Ackman
            }        }                   |
            }        }    float           |
            ______                      |  cable to wench and attached to cone
                 |                           |
                 |         line             |
             \    |   /
              \   }  /  cone
                \ | /
          |  \    |        / |
          |    \   |      / <----------------spring loaded locking fingers cone falls thru
          |      \ |   /     |                 will not come back out
          |        |         |   cone receiver
          |        |         |