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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] K-250 on ebay has caught my eye

Yes, I agree about the quarter inch stuff. It's a little too prone to dents for my liking. My K-350 has a couple of dings in it, one of which came from an eight pound shop hammer that fell about twenty feet and rang the hull like a gong!!! At least it missed my head (at least I think it did). But, the dings don't amount to anything, strength wise, according to Captain Kittredge, and I've never had any problems. Be careful about the three eighths though, as the weight can mount up pretty fast. George built his K-600 figuring that it would carry the extra pounds, only Lloyd's and DNV said make the heads nine sixteenths and then the thing wouldn't float. They had to chop the back head off and add two feet, which is why it looks like a two man K-350, but is in reality a one man 600. Vance 
-----Original Message-----
From: ShellyDalg@aol.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] K-250 on ebay has caught my eye

I don't mean too thin to hold the expected pressure, but maybe a little thin if you crash into something. I've been a diver a long time and have been slammed into rock walls by wave action. I imagine most psubs will be close to SOMETHING at some point.( You gotta get close to see good! ) I see this sub was sold today but it seems to me a thicker hull is just an added safety factor. You have to add weight to get these things to sink, so why not put some of that weight to good use ? The windows determine your maximum depth as they are the weakest point. I plan to use AS 516-70 steel at 3/8 inch thick. !/4 inch calculates out OK but a little extra steel in the beginning can't hurt.
Frank D.

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