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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] K-250 on ebay has caught my eye

I don't mean too thin to hold the expected pressure, but maybe a little thin if you crash into something. I've been a diver a long time and have been slammed into rock walls by wave action. I imagine most psubs will be close to SOMETHING at some point.( You gotta get close to see good! ) I see this sub was sold today but it seems to me a thicker hull is just an added safety factor. You have to add weight to get these things to sink, so why not put some of that weight to good use ? The windows determine your maximum depth as they are the weakest point. I plan to use AS 516-70 steel at 3/8 inch thick. !/4 inch calculates out OK but a little extra steel in the beginning can't hurt.
Frank D.