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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Crush Depth Calculation.

Hello Alec. Yes, I have been in contact with that company and in fact they have the best prices I've found so far. I was quoted last week, the price on a 2:1 semi elliptical tank head at 96 inch diameter, 3/8 inch thick, AS 516-70 steel for $1420 each.
This is about a third of the cost for one produced in California.
I am pretty sure I'm going to place that order next week.
I will, however be ordering two heads at 72 inch diameter. The man I spoke with also quoted a price of only $340 for a 24 inch hemisphere tank end at 5/8 inch thick, hot formed from a single piece. I have two very different designs in mind and have decided to go with my original design using the semi elliptical heads. ( but a little smaller than originally planned )
It looks sort of like a 50's era flying saucer, with the pressure hull at 72 inch round and 52 inches high. The displacement gives me about 6500 pounds of buoyancy, where the 96 inch design was way up there at 11,000 pounds. ( OUCH! ) I'm hoping to increase the thickness to 1/2 inch for about $1000 per 72 inch head. Some reasons  for going back to the original design are, first, I can't find a 30 inch one piece hemisphere, and second, the two head design is inherently more resistant to external pressure. It also requires a lot less welding on the basic hull. Really only two welds for the envelope, and then adding all the other stuff like a hatch, windows, mounts, etc. which any design must have.
The other design ( which I spent the last 2 months on ) was pretty cool and would have been pretty quick, but it doesn't have the basic spherical shape. More like a sports car than a sphere. Looks cool, goes fast, cheap to build, but small inside and only for a much shallower depth than what I really wanted. I saw a sub made by a Chinese company called Tarwa ? and it looked like it used the two head design. It probably is thicker than mine, and I think it is designed to reach a 1000 ft depth. They make them for sale I think. Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for the contact and yes, they are a good source.
When I get the pieces, I'll come back on line and give all you guys an update. Maybe I can even post some pictures as the work progresses.
Happy subbing to all........Frank Dalgleish. (408)353-6645  shellydalg@aol.com