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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Purpose of psubs.org?

Joe writes: 

"There have been times on this forum where I sense a reluctance and or
fear to participate"

This is a view that is often expressed in conversations that take place
off list between members. Personally my ratio of 'off list' to 'list'
emails send to and received from members runs at about a ratio of close
to 70:1. This is also quite common amongst other members. How much in
the group as a whole poorer as a result of all this Sub related
information not being archived and referenced for later use.

There does seem to be a Psub elite who tend to like to control, pass
judgment and impose their code of conduct, the last post from Mr J K
Jeffries (who may wish to take his own advice as he is treated with
contempt by many members off list) being an example.

Maybe there should be a PSUB elite forum for those with that attitude.
Perhaps then the current forum would be more inclusive and inviting to
newish members and the Frappr group would have never been needed.

If everyone really wants this group and our interest to grow a more
inclusive and tolerant attitude will have to be adopted by certain
individuals. If this happens we may stop getting test emails to see if
anyone is left alive! 

Steve P

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
[mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Joseph
Sent: Monday, 4 September 2006 10:54 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Purpose of psubs.org?


As you mention in your post, I believe sincerely in the dual purpose 
1)"people sharing a dream".....and 2) technical discussions.

Most people on various forums will never actually accomplish the stated 
goals, whether that be aircraft, ROVS, Submersibles, Boats....or most
things of interest.

The common thread of course is the subject of interest. Simply
the subject and sharing ideas and aspirations will by default...advance
cause of whatever it is.

There have been times on this forum where I sense a reluctance and or
to participate, and this can be attributed to misplaced or projected
anger / 
frustration. The cause of which is unlikely to be "sub" related. Human 
nature...life and it's realities seeping through.

I myself was "set up" for a perceived failure not long ago and have 
experienced a "snub" or two. The recent nastiness is the kind of thing
puts people off. But, I keep the above in perspective and keep on

Bottom line....I find much more positive than negative here and feel the

majority is in agreement.


>From: Marie-Andrée et Pierre <poulin.carrier@videotron.ca>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Purpose of psubs.org?
>Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 20:21:30 -0400
>Hi guys,
>Well, after reading some of the recent post. I was wandering... What is
>purposed of this group? Is it purely for technical discution about sub
>is it also a social group of people sharing a dream?
>I ask this, because it is evident that all of us don't think the same
>this question. And if you take some time to think about it. It might be
>base of the periodic problems we have on the group.
>It is clear to me that Bill think the group is also a social group and
>he wanted to share an invention he worked on for 10 years. Even if it
>not sub related.
>It is clear that others think the group is only for sub discution.
>I for myself think this group is both. I have made some friends in this

>group since the couple of years I've been here. They supported me in my

>project both technicaly and mentaly (so to speak) so today I am able to

>look in my backyard and see one of my dream come true. If something bad

>would happen to any of them it would affect me the same as if it
>to a close friend. That goes beyong tech speak for me.
>We are 200 + people on this group. And it would be impossible to ask
>we all share the same view of the purpose of the group. But one thing 
>should always be present: Respect. Because whatever we think, we all 
>deserve to be respected.
>I had a problem once with one of the group. I wrote him an offlist mail

>telling him why I decided to put him on my ignore list. I would
>you guys do the same. That way, nobody's feeling gets hurt.
>My 2 cents worth...
>Pierre "peace keeper" Poulin
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