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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Missing Mark's sub's baby & mama

Byron, you were talking about building an ambient diesel and electric sub. I remember seeing at psubs about a fellow named Mark (no last name listed)
who was building a 2 person sub called baby and a large WW2 looking sub called mama to carry baby. He didn't list any details nor where he was located. I have always
wondered if he gave up on his big mama sub project and if it would be a candidate for making into an ambient military look alike sub like you were talking about
in your post to our new member Joe. I don't know how feasible it would be because there would be a rather large interior to pressurize to make it ambient and
that would require a lot of stored air tanks onboard. But the good thing is there would be plenty of room for the diesel engine and an air compressor attached to the diesel
and even if it took almost all the air in your stored tanks to equalize the hull for a dive, you could completely replenish the air tanks when your surfaced using the diesel engine
and the compressor and be ready for another dive. But his big mama sub's exterior seemed to be pretty much constructed. I have scoured the net using various
search engines without being able to find out anything more about him than what was already at the psubs site. I remember someone here saying something about the mama
sub looking like a WW2 Japanese sub. Mark's sub was made out of steel because I could see surface rust on its unpainted exterior. Here would be a sub's basic hull and
conning tower already built that might could possibly be turned into an ambient  if Mark did not finish constructing it well enough to be safe as a 1 atm sub. I wonder if Mark
had plans of some kind or just created it all himself.
I did not see any ballast tank bulges in the mama sub but they might be inside. Has anyone else here at psubs ever heard anything more about Mark and his baby and
mama sub projects and whether he finished them or gave up on them or if he is listed anywhere else on the net?  I have wondered for a long time if mama might be for sale.
She would make a sweet looking WW2 style diesel/electric ambient. I had also thought about how neat it would be to build a box inside her that had an open top and divers could just jump
into it and dive out of the bottom of her since the box's bottom would be open to the water and the hull's air pressure would keep the water out and the box being a few
feet high on the inside would preclude water spashing in. The whole idea may sound a bit outlandish, but I wonder.......
Here's the link to the psubs mention of him with pictures of both his subs.   http://www.psubs.org/psub_pic/SubMark.html