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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Great Stuff Andy

Hello forum.
I agree with Dave that engineering and math computations are an integral and important aspect of Psubs.org. I also agree with Dave that Andy's post regarding buckling strength is a perfect ONE example
of what this web site should be about, but that should not preclude other submarine topics including historical ones.
Dave I do not agree with your statement ....."I mean,, who cares about anything that sank during the civil war anyway? Screw this Hunnly (sic) bunnly crap.....Dave Banks".
Dave, you asked "who cares?". Apparently a lot of researchers, archeaologists and many others as well care. At the end of this post I include a link to the official Hunley site that shows an impressive list of who cared including the U.S. Navy.
Not all of us here are engineers. Others like myself might have simple wetsubs that do not require a lot of engineering or math computations like a pressure hull would entail. Still other members might like to have a 1 atmosphere sub
but opt for a wetsub or ambient because of knowledge and financial limitations.
Still other members might not have a sub at all but are interested in the subject AND THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT BEHIND IT.
If someone does not care about the interesting early development of submarines that is certainly their right. However, there are a great many people who care about the Hunley submarine which sank during the civil war.
So many cared that a major expedition was launched to recover it, preserve it, study it, and display it with traveling museum displays and a full size replica. In addition there have been numerous books and a movie
made about the Hunley.
Nordenfelt, Hunley, Bushnell, Fulton, Lake, Holland and even earlier submarine inventors all contributed to technology and development that has led us to the modern submarine. Without knowledge of early submarine
technology trial and errors, we would not have today's technology that the early technology evolved into. Many early submariners died adding to our collective knowledge and by reviewing their mistakes FROM THE PAST
we do not make the same mistakes and move forward in the evolvement of the technology. Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. So history is important to submarine technology.
You might as well say..."who cares about the civil war?" or "who cares about WW1 or WW2?" or "who cares about history at all?" or "let's throw all the books away and start with no historical knowledge of the subject".
If the Hunley does not interest you Dave, that's fine. But it is a submarine topic and does interest a great many people.
I for one am not so interested in engineering and math computations regarding relative hull strength and other formulas. I realize my limitations and at least for now am limiting myself to my wetsub and possibly an ambient one later.
I doubt seriously if I will ever PERSONALLY build a 1 atmospthere sub. But I highly respect those who do, and do not begrudge them their discussion topics here.
I would never post to criticize those who are interested in those subjects, by saying "Who cares about a math formula that was formulated during the civil war?"  or "screw this sub engineering gearing crap" or "screw this math formula bore-me-ula crap".  
Please allow everyone the courtesy that you would like shown to you regarding submarine subjects. Or as a question to the forum....Should we start censoring specifically what submarine topics can and can not be discussed here????
"Hunnly (sic) bunnly crap"  indeed!
Link to the "official" Hunley submarine site...  http://www.hunley.org/
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Banks
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 4:22 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Great Stuff Andy

Andy,,this is great stuff and is a perfect example of what this web site should be about.  I mean,,who cares about anything that sank during the civil war anyway.  Screw this Hunnly bunnly crap.....Dave Banks

drewacard@charter.net wrote:
it is Buckling Strength of Welded HY-80 Spherical Shells: A Direct Approach
