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> If the man who made the static replica, made an exact diving replica of the Hunley
> except for the improvement of closing in the tops of the ballast tanks, you still have
> to contend with decompression tables like an ambient sub would, depending on how long
> you operated the replica with the interior pressurized. 

Hi Bill,

I admin I don't know a lot about the Hunley, but I did think it was a 1ATM submarine.

Why are decompression tables needed?
Is it an ambient pressure sub after all?


-----Original Message-----
From: Akins <lakins1@tampabay.rr.com>
Sent: May 17, 2005 1:12 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley

Hi Brian.

I know it isn't you talking about making a replica Hunley yourself, and that you are talking about the man who made the replica. 

If the man who made the static replica, made an exact diving replica of the Hunley except for the improvement of closing in the tops of the ballast tanks, you still have to contend with decompression tables like an ambient sub would, depending on how long

you operated the replica with the interior pressurized. You would still have to turn the crankshaft by hand using uncomfortable, sweaty passengers and to be historically correct only have one candlelight of light. There is no doubt 

it could be done.  If you enclosed the ballast tank tops, added electric lights, scrubbers, did away with the crankshaft taking up space and added an electric motor and modern safety features, even though it might look like the Hunley externally,

it would be totally different. Except for the exterior looking like the Hunley with a weaker rivited as opposed to welded hull, I think the time and effort would be better served building a newer design. I just think for the time and effort it would take

you wouldn't get the depth and use out of it that you could get out of a more modern design for the same money, time and effort. I love the old civil war era and even earlier subs. But I like them as historical museum pieces. But as always.......

to each their own. If the gentleman has a burning desire to build it even though it might not be practical, who am I to fault him? More power to him. Perhaps it might be nice for civil war reenactments, but the public wouldn't be able to see or 

appreciate it working underwater unless you had divers videotaping it underwater, and if that is the only way the public could see it underwater, why not just do a computer simulation instead? If he wants to build it simply for the accomplishment of

building it, then fine I guess. But would it really be worth it? I guess that depends on the state of mind of the person building it.   

Kindest Regards,

Bill Akins.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brian Cox 
  To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:06 AM
  Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley

  You're right the way they made that open at the top of the ballast tank is not good.   If the boat ever became tipped over the water in the ballast tanks could rush into the main part of the boat and it could become unbalanced.  

  the Hunley had a very heavy keel however and it would be unlikely that it could invert it self.  They had a safety system where they could unbolt the heavy keel so they could surface.  

  I guess the big error was making it so water could continue to pour in the boat if you forgot to close the inlet valve.  But say you sealed off those balllast tanks except you put a valve open to the main human compartment of the sub.  Then it would be exactly the same as before except that you could shut that valve when the ballast tanks became totally filled.  

  With that set up it would act just like the Hunley, in that, when the submarine submerged you would not see any bubbles because the air would be getting compressed in the main hull area.

  and when you pumped the water out of the ballast tanks, the air inside the sub would uncompress.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "solomon D" <solomondees@yahoo.com>
  To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
  Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 4:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley

  > Wow I never really understood how those open top
  > ballast tanks worked before.That design is just plain
  > suicidal! You could not pay me enough to get inside
  > something like that.
  > --- Akins <lakins1@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
  > > Hi Brian.
  > > 
  > > I don't believe he could ever get approval to take
  > > passengers on an exact replica of the Hunley. With
  > > the ballast tank tops being open to the hull
  > > interior in all honesty the Hunley was a death trap.
  > > 
  > > Besides that, what passenger would want to sit all
  > > cramped up and have to turn the crankshaft with the
  > > only light being a single candle, when they can go
  > > on a modern roomy tourist sub. Some people let their
  > > obsessions override their
  > > 
  > > judgement. In this case I think the Hunley is best
  > > left to a museum and as you said anyone making an
  > > exact replica without modern safety measures and
  > > improved design might suffer the fate of
  > > 
  > > the Hunley's first two crews.
  > > 
  > > You asked what is going on with the hunt for the
  > > Alligator, Brian.
  > > 
  > > The Alligator was another civil war submarine. Built
  > > for the Union it sank while being towed. Today, a
  > > Navy Admiral's wife read about it and notified her
  > > husband who had no idea of its existance.
  > > 
  > > Everyone had forgotten about the Alligator being the
  > > U.S. Navy's first submarine and the Holland was
  > > thought to be the first. The admiral got involved
  > > with trying to find out more and the search was on.
  > > 
  > > I don't believe the search has found it yet but I'm
  > > sure they eventually will.
  > > 
  > > Here's some links about the Alligator and the search
  > > to find her
  > > 
  > > http://wesclark.com/jw/alligator.html
  > > 
  > > http://www.navyandmarine.org/alligator.htm
  > > 
  > > http://www.navyandmarine.org/alligator/story.htm
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.theeastcarolinian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/12/02/41ae511e72b77
  > > 
  > >
  > http://americancivilwar.com/tcwn/civil_war/naval_submarine.html
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.rc-submarines.com/Alligator_Junior/index_m.htm
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.rc-submarines.com/Alligator_Junior/id27_m.htm
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/blowballast/sub/history4.htm
  > > 
  > > http://www.navsource.org/archives/08/08444.htm
  > > 
  > > http://www.sanctuaries.noaa.gov/alligator/
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/cno/n87/history/subhistory.html
  > > 
  > > http://www.cdnn.info/industry/i040809/i040809.html
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.treasurenet.com/forum/shipwrecks/messages/1003558.shtml
  > > 
  > > http://www.news.ecu.edu/poe/1004/alligator.html
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.hunleystore.com/Newsletter52/newsletter52.htm#Hunt_begins_for_Civil_War_sub
  > > 
  > >
  > http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0712_040712_ussalligatorsub.html
  > > 
  > >
  > http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/trident/9_02/features/27048-1.html
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > >   ----- Original Message ----- 
  > >   From: Brian Cox 
  > >   To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org 
  > >   Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 12:40 PM
  > >   Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley
  > > 
  > > 
  > >   Bill,
  > >           What is the story with the Alligator?
  > > 
  > >   Another interesting observation I have concerning
  > > the Hunley is in regards to the mobile exhibit. 
  > > From what I gather the guy, John, who built the
  > > replica and is touring with the exhibit probably
  > > sold the idea to tour with it to individual museums
  > > and other interested parties.  I didn't actually ask
  > > about his financial agreements but I'm just
  > > guessing.  That would not be a bad idea for
  > > financing a sub !,  however I'm sure he's not
  > > exactly getting rich, it probably just pays for his
  > > trip around the country and also I think he just
  > > loves talking about it.  
  > > 
  > >   He wants to build a working sub of the Hunley,
  > > though is is not especially into subs in general. 
  > > He was lamenting the same thing we hear all the time
  > > - " I want to build it but I can't get the financing
  > > !"
  > > 
  > >   I asked him how he would generate money from an
  > > actual working Hunley.  What about a Hunley, but
  > > with a few added extras! - scrubber, electronics,
  > > some saftey features,  compressed air.   
  > > 
  > >   I wonder what the ramifications of giving rides
  > > would be.   I don't think that would fly with the
  > > Coast Guard!  You might end up like the first two
  > > crews!
  > > 
  > >   Always thinking about how to make a buck to
  > > finance my sub !!
  > > 
  > >   Brian
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > >   ----- Original Message ----- 
  > >     From: Akins 
  > >     To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org 
  > >     Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 2:45 PM
  > >     Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley
  > > 
  > > 
  > >     Hi Brian.
  > > 
  > >     I am jealous! I can't wait to see the Hunley
  > > replica. Also hopefully to see the original one day
  > > when she is out of her fresh water tank.
  > > 
  > >     I hope they find the Alligator soon also. I
  > > would like to see Simon Lake and other early subs
  > > recovered for preservation as well. WW1 and WW2 subs
  > > too.
  > > 
  > >     To me submarines are special among wrecks. They
  > > represent the very best technology of their times
  > > and mans quest to explore another atmospheric world.
  > > 
  > >     If I had my way every one of them that ever sunk
  > > would be recovered and put on display. Every last
  > > one. 
  > > 
  > >     Kindest regards,
  > > 
  > >     Bill Akins.
  > > 
  > > 
  > >       ----- Original Message ----- 
  > >       From: Brian Cox 
  > >       To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org 
  > >       Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 2:55 AM
  > >       Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hunley
  > > 
  > > 
  > >       Hi All,
  > >                     I saw the Hunley today!   Very
  > > interesting boat.  I had just planned to go down to
  > > Channel Islands Harbor take a quick look and then
  > > turn around and come back and work on a couple of
  > > projects, I ended up staying half the day. 
  > > 
  > >        The sub was set up outside the maritime
  > > museum with local civil war re-enactors in full
  > > civil war garb.  However there happened to be one
  > > fellow that had a blue jump suit on with a very
  > > distinct southern drawl who seemed to know quite a
  > > bit about the boat, I come to find out he built the
  > > replica.
  > > 
  > >       Not only did he build the replica but
  > > apparently he was the first one they called when
  > > they actually opened the Hunley up.  He described in
  > > detail how they went about removing  the rivets on
  > > the rounded panels.
  > > 
  > >       Luckily he didn't mind talking about the sub,
  > > in fact he was one hell of a storyteller / welder
  > > and a proud southerner to boot.  
  > > 
  > >       I'm sure many of y'all already know the whole
  > > story of how the boat sunk twice before it's final
  > > mission when it sunk the Housatonic.  All of the
  > > first two crews where lost.  When they recovered the
  > > boat they had a little problem. 
  > > 
  > >        The bodies had been in there a while and they
  > > were all bloated.  They couldn't get the bodies out 
  > > thru the hatches so a guy had to climb down in there
  > > and cut the bodies into chunks that were big enough
  > > to get out thru the hatches.  
  > > 
  > >       I learned stuff I didn't even want to know !!
  > > 
  > === message truncated ===
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