If you were talking about a business venture where
things have to be cost effective, I agree with what you write. But, for
most of us here in the PSUB world, cost effectiveness isn't the whole
story. I mean really, I could have gone to an I-Max showing a under sea
movie or if I wanted to get wet I could snorkel or even go deeper with SCUBA
gear. I could have gone on a tourist sub for a few more dollars or maybe
even rented a sub from someone for a few weeks. But no instead I tied up
$13,000 and thousands of hours of work building a sub. Still, looking
back, I made the right decision! I wanted to BUILD
IT!!!! I built everything but the electric motors, batteries and
fish finder. All the rest was purchased in raw material form.
Sometimes the hunting, researching, learning and
doing IS the prize. A prize that can't be purchased.
Don't get me wrong. I totally agree, if a
person is going to try to do some critical thing by cutting corners to save
money or time, he better not be building a sub. He may never see a second
dive. But if you do your homework and aren't afraid to spend money for the
equipment you could make viewports and many otherwise purchasable parts that are
It's not the first thing I built something that was
for the sake of building it and it wasn't my last.
Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 1:10
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Do it all
yourself approach... is it sensible?
time for me to get some input here... I am sure I am going to inflame some,
but I always speak my mind.... not with the intention to offend anyone, but
with the intention to move you to reason....
have read all the comments about building your own viewports and I don't
understand why would anyone want to go through this trial and error process
with such a critical item on your p-sub. I am not trying to discourage anyone
to build a sub, on the contrary, I like to see more built... but there are
things which are better left to those who have the know-how and the technolgy
to do it right and safely.
understand that many want to save money but at what cost? I can't see the cost
advantage in building your own viewport, if you have to invest time in
studying and understanding the materials involved, the manufacturing process,
the molds requirements, the heating and cooling requirements and not to
mention the anhealing process requirements and then implement those to build a
set of viewports????
personally would focus my efforts in the overall design and leave the critical
items to the experts... I think it will save you many headaches and you will
build your p-sub sooner.
Ayway, just my opinion... not trying to discourage or
inflame anyone...