Hi Dave.I found this info on the Cousteau submarines.Here's a link to a site that at the very bottom of the page mentions the first one which was lost. It was called the Soucoupe. Here's the link. http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/blowballast/people/submersibles1.htmI also found this link to a stamp with the original soucoupe on it and it explains some of the history of it's loss. Scroll down til you see the monaco stamp with the saucer on it. Here's the link. http://www.shipsonstamps.org/Topics/html/tauch.htmI also found this 2001 posting from Carsten Standfus answering Richard Gordon's questions via the Psubs forum about them too. Here's the link. http://www.psubs.org/mlist/archive/0102/msg00047.htmlI also found one from Vance from 2001 also, that corrected some misconceptions and fills you in pretty good. Here's that link. http://www.psubs.org/mlist/archive/0102/msg00051.htmlAnd another 2001 post from Carsten to Vance about the cousteau sub again. http://www.psubs.org/mlist/archive/0102/msg00052.htmlHas anyone ever tried a recovery of the lost saucer? I heard it sank to 3280 ft in 1959 I believe, but with todays ROV's I was wondering if anyone had thought of trying to hook a line on it and recover it for a museum.Kindest Regards,Bill Akins.----- Original Message -----From: Dave BanksSent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:15 PMSubject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Cousteau's Subs - was -Deep Quest recon missionIs there any one with info on what ever happened to the 2 submersibles that Cousteau used? They where never used as much as I believe they should have been. I've been told that one of them slipped out of its lifting gear and is lying off the French Cost some where. Hatch still closed and water tight. Dave Banks