I agree with Phil Alec and others; psub business is at
least difficult due to a small market and a complicated
People built psubs because one- off subs are far to
expensive or they find that building is half the fun.
However small, there might be a market for psub parts. Not
everybody has the knowledge and machines to make parts. I was thinking of the
following parts wich can be used for Kboats , the OSS project or any other 0.5
to 4 ton psub:
-mech. troughhulls
-flat viewports
-dome vieweports
-underwater lights
Parts could be made from proven, open source drawings.
Produced following international standards (including metric please) so
the sub can be certified if wanted.
Casten and I have a go with the Acrylic dome ; we will
regards, Emile van Essen