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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Complaints about submersibles visiting the Titanic

>>1st hand although the pillaging of the wreck and landing on it's deck is unforgivable, it is still a grave >>site after all. People who vandalize, and people who let people vandalize, don't have rights to >>monuments. I personally don't feel that the titanic falls under this category, but there are plenty who >>do.


>I don't believe that a grave site is a significant issue. Any one there is dead and couldn't care less. >People have been giving tours by bus around grave yards in Hollywood for ages and no one ever says >a dam thing about it. It's even publicly advertised. The grave yards even have roads so it's easily >accessible to the public. The Titanic is not a monument and is just a big ship that got built, sank, and is >now being visited. Submarine tours to the Titanic or any other wreck including the Edmond Fitzgerald >is just a way of making money for those of us still alive. And it's no different than taking a bus ride >through any Hollywood grave yard. United States is becoming a place that is operated by Lawyers and >Tree Huggers and any time some one figures out a way to make a living, some one else gets jealous >and wants to put an end to it. And it's almost always a Lawyer or an already wealthy Tree Hugger. 


 I would agree that just because some people keep saying over and over that it is a monument and or a sacred site and is collectively owned by everyone does not make it so. The burden of proof for such an assertion is on them and sentimentality is probably too ethereal to have a place in property rights discussions. I would agree that someone who visits such a site and leaves it undisturbed when they believe it might be valuable to themselves to do otherwise is indeed being generous. However, I posit that they should not be bound to the will of people who have nothing but sentimental claims on it.

That said, I doubt the accuracy or utility of labeling those who disagree with terms intended to be derogatory. It is also delving into the realm of emotionalism which I suspect is their homefield where they probably have the advantage.


Gordon Alexander

Shakopee, MN


PS - To those who strongly disagree with me, please take some comfort in the knowledge that I and the vast majority who are similarly libertarian on this issue will probably never visit, much less disturb, such a site and have little influence on collective policy.