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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Tired of Going in Circles

 I have spent the past week working on integrating a Compass / Magnetometer /Linear dual Axis Tilt System into my psub's PLC. I will share my experience with this unit.
The sensor is from a company called ADVANCED ORIENTATION SYSTEMS, the model is the EZ-Compass-3/Magnetometer http://www.aositilt.com/Compass.htm.  The unit cost is $599.00. The unit is designed to give compass heading as well as roll and pitch angles and temperature.  The sensor board is  2" x 2.5" x0.75" and interfaces with a PLC via an RS232 connection.  The signal, which is refreshed every 250ms, is given as an ASCII string that includes, pitch-angle, roll-angle, temperature, and compass heading.  After receiving the unit, I tested it by wiring it to my laptop and using Hyper-Terminal to setup and integrated the sensor.  All worked fine just as documented.
As I am using a PLC to interface with all ship systems and sensors, the next step was to plug the sensor into the PLC.  When I did this, I found that I needed to upgrade by PLC cpu module to be able to both read and write an ASCII string.  After installing the upgraded cpu, I was able to configure one of the PLC communication ports to see the sensor. I parse the ASCII string in my PLC ladder logic to get the individual measurements which I in turn display on a touch screen color display that interfaces with my PLC.  An example, a typical ASCII output string would be"$R-2.61P1.08T21.5X206.7Y95.4Z-367.5C43.9*4d".   The sensor can be configured to turn off any data elements that you are not interested in.  For my application, I turned off the X,Y and Z magnetic vector components as I was only interested in the compass azimuth value.
 As any  magnetometer will be effected by the steel in the hull, I am planning on mounting my unit external to the hull behind the pilot viewport in an non ferrous, water tight pod.  The unit will not work inside the hull.  By moving the sensor into proximity of the hull, I can definitely tell when the steel of the hull starts to influence the signal.  The documentation for the unit has both  "hard iron" and  "soft iron" calibration procedures for nulling out the effect of the hull.  This is done while boat, with sensor attached, is rotated slowly 360 degrees.  As I have not done this calibration yet, I can not comment on its effectiveness.  So far all the components of the sensor are working fine as documented.   I know there are a number of companies that make similar sensors. This is been my experience with this particular sensor to date. So far, so good.