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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Ben Franklin, too.

Um . . . not only can this person not spell, he doesn't quite grasp the basics of grammar.  I mean, three commas in a row?  And the upper case I in 'If"?  And really, a comma after "idiot"?  And a lower case "o" in "on"?  And an uppercase I in "Idiot" when used as a noun?
Tacky, tackie, takky, TAKKIE!!!   
Thank heavens he doesn't actually have a periscope.  Sounds like he's one seaman short of a full crew.  Wonder if he propagates?
Enough humour, back to subs.  ;-)
BTW, Carl, I agree: It does remind one of the Aluminaut.  As another psubber pointed out, convergent engineering serving a similar design goal.  We have the Ben Franklin up here in Vancouver (Canada).  I'd been reading about this vessel for years only to have it turn up at the Maritime Museum.  As my kids would say: Sweet!
When I get around to photographing it I'll post the shots to the list.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Retired Subs

Gee Carl,,,If it wasn't for the fact that you can read, I'd swear your an idiot,  on second thought, you are an Idiot. 

Coalbunny <coalbunny@wyoming.com> wrote:
If it wasn't for the rust, I'd swear it's the Aluminaut. Same type of
hull configuration.

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