I am thinking that the formula for Pco in 21.7.1
(pg 69) for 1<Pmo/Pyo <= 3 should be Pyo(1-Pyo/2Pmo) rather than
Pyo((1-Pyo)/(2Pmo)) as they have. Their formula gives wacky results and is not
consistent with that for cylinders in 19.5.1 (pg 65).
Can anyone confirm or dispute this?
I have posted the ABS doc I am using at http://www.curio.com/07-UWVS2002.pdf
My spreadsheet (not complete) in case anyone is curious
about it, is also there at http://www.curio.com/ABSConicalHullCalcs.xls
Thanks again,
Gordon Alexander
Shakopee, MN