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I think the trick is to blow air in the tank from time to time while decending. If you don't the air will be compressed and you will become heavier. The smaller the VBT, the smaller this effect. Another reason to keep the tank small is to reduce the usage of compressed air. The big advantage of this type of tank is (i think) that it is easy to use. You set the slot or row of holes in a position by rotating the tank and the only thing you have do is to blow a little air from time to time while decending.   
Thijs Struijs
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan H.
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST]  VBT (MBT) Revisited Idea

As you say,
"as a submarine begins to ascend the slot will be set at a spot that enables a nice speed of ascent.  As the air expands it is automatically burping....and will eliminate the tendency to become ballistic...it eliminates the need to continuously let out air manually"
My question was and still is; won't this method cause you to gain ballast as you go deeper that will make you travel deeper yet at a faster rate?  
At one atmosphere of depth, your air will compress to 1/2 and be replaced by water.  Are you planning to compensate by constantly adding air?   If not, where does the air come from that will be automatically "burping out as you ascend." 
I agree it sounds like a nice system for a smooth ascent but, unless I don't understand your design totally, it's not a good system to descend with.   It's safer to go "ballistic" then like a rock. 
Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
From: Fly Deep
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 6:57 AM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST]  VBT (MBT) Revisited Idea

One of the great benefits of this idea is that as a submarine begins to ascend the slot will be set at a spot that enables a nice speed of ascent.  As the air expands it is automatically burping....and will eliminate the tendency to become ballistic...it eliminates the need to continuously let out air manually...Plus,,,the slot can actually be a set of holes and this makes it even better...This idea is a good one and there are a lot of smart guys on here so draw a sketch and lets analyze how to get the bugs out of the idea...I have my own drawings but I don't want to stagnate any ones thinking with my own thoughts...DJB.

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