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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Which Apollo?

Hi Carsten,
Wasn't Apollo 13's problem a 12 volt heating element (used in a ground
test) that should have been swapped with a 36 volt before flight?
Or did you mean the short circuit that burned Apollo 1, killing Grissom,
Chaffee and White? Their (inward swinging) hatch could not be opened
quickly, or with high cabin pressure.
-Peter Korwin

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 00:27:30 +0100 MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten
Standfuss) writes:
> Yes Mike.. 
> And to the last tread : 
> I think Stan is right - drop-weights in ambient boats make no sence 
> - to many risk with decompression illness. An ambient boat driver can
> easly escape with scuba diving equipment. 
> Short Update Euronaut March 2004
> The last weeks I build in the two filter-casing in the diver-lock 
> out/in chamber, also the two main filters-casings in the boat itself. 
> All filter-casings and later fans are made from the same type and
> mounted with quick acting concetion to prevent a Apollo 13 problem.. 
> All 13 pressure bottle each 50 Liters size are now in the boat - 
> the outside bottles are in front of it and awaiting better weather and 
> than mounting. 
> At the moment I build a electric conection board for the two
> compressors, the two high-pressure bilge pumps and the machinery 
> room
> light.  
> Some progress on the main-drive-plant also - Emile make a strong 
> shaft
> and a flange for me - and get a dome for that. I am now in the 
> process
> to connect the gear the shaft and the diesel in one line.  
> Last week I badly dammage my hand during the work on the boat 
> - but now she its on the way back to the old condition.. and to 
> work.. 
> Put some picture of the progress to :
> http://www.prismnet.com/~moki/subfiles.html
> ;-) regards Carsten
> Michael B Holt schrieb:
> > 
> > If we answer this, it starts again.
> > 
> > Mike