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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UPS Submersible


ZPE?  It's a nasty word here in the good ol' USA.  It's Zero Point
infinite energy, or cold fusion.  But, if you do a search you'll find
in this area being conducted all over the world. Well, there is research
done here, but it's controversial to say the least and thus far a device
not been made that would produce substantial power.  It's like the idea
putting a nuke reactor in a pSub, not very likely, but never know, one
But, hey, the steam engine was invented several millenia ago and didn't
see it's 
full potential and development until just a few centuries ago. [ give or
take a few
decades ]  Worth the wait...eh?  :)

If you're interested in energy in general and what is possible with off
the shelf
components check out what a young freshman, Craig Wallace, concocted to
the amazement of his Profs at the Utah State University; I love this
stuff! Science
and engineering doesn't have to be expensive.


As far as the UPS, don't pay me any mind. I was just stretching it a bit.
quite right.  As a favorite engineering teacher of mine would say, always
one foot in the box and if both feet are out, don't stray too far.

Don't let anyone step on that imagination.


On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:41:13 -0800 (PST) Peter  McKellar
<mckellar@earthlink.net> writes:
> Hey Steve,
> sorry, ZPE?
> I just deleted a fairly lengthy reply to your last post because I 
> realised that a UPS is the core interest of all members here.  The 
> best possible sub, but scaled down to each members' individual 
> budgets.
> I agree regarding the fabrication complexity but suspect that you 
> will find the cost of nanocarbon now much lower than even 6mths ago. 
> I intend to keep collecting these lab and prototype announcements 
> and hope that they find their way onto the market at a reasonable 
> price.  I won't abandon the search but realise that whatever i 
> eventually build will be far short of a UPS :)
> cheers
> peter

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