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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UPS Submersible

Hi Steve et al,

i seem to remember the UPS thread (maybe its that drug damaged memory tho :(

Before I kick off my 'impossible' list for the UPS I'll explain why:

I downloaded the psub starting sheet that asks all the questions needed before you even start thinking about building a sub - how far and fast on the surface (if autonomous), how deep, ambient/1atm etc.

It showed how few basics i had really considered.

I figured I would just max out all values and work back from there.


1. Surface range - unlimited
2. Surface speed - really fast
3. Underwater life support - unlimited
4. Underwater spedd - really fast (again)
5. Mission cost - almost nothing
6, scuttle valve (just threw that in for fun guys)
7. Fully autonomous
8. 1 ATM

The list went on.  

Then i remembered i worked with a guy that used to crew nuclear subs.  he said they just found somewhere deep and quiet and then grounded it for months at a time.  Of course without the reactor onboard i would need another solution.

I was about to start cutting the expectations back when i thought of checking a few NASA and related sites to see how they approach long missions like the manned mars mission.  All of a sudden my list wasn't looking so impossible.

Many of the things needed have been researched and products developed or adapted.  They often used the same things subs have had for years.  Whilst the tech is mostly there, the cost is the killer :(

I've found a few sites that supplied the stuff i was after and have even emailed a few.  I stopped using the word 'personal submarine' and some started replying :) hahahahah

Costs and access to parts is sometimes tricky here in oz, so i have a policy of local first if possible.  This is part national pride, mostly practicality.  much the same as off the shelf (another sidebar to my list). 

The good news is that the fuel cell i was looking at will be available as a protoype in september 2004 - for a a mere $A100K :)  the better news is that this should come down around $A3K within about 3 years.  Its preferred fuel is methane.  It may even be cheaper by the time i build :)

I have a lot of thoughts on the UPS if anyone wants to continue this thread, on or offline.
