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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Speaking of youngsters and dive physiology in general

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 17:51:12 -0800 (PST) Chris Nugent writes:
>     I wasn't meaning that so much as how an epileptic brain on one 
>kind of barbituate or sedative or another would react to the pressures 
>involved.  Both water pressure and partial gas pressures.

I really didn't think you meant that, but for one long moment I could
see a fascinating research project....

>    The link Shawn sent explained what I was thinking a little better 
>than how I said it when I posted.  In any case, I think I've got some 
>reading to do.

I glanced at it.   It's the tiniest tip of a huge iceberg.  

I'm being tested next week to try to get my drivers license back
in my hands.   EEG and MRI, and blood tests: the usual.   I'll ask
the doctor (well, the nurse practitioner: she's much more fun)
about all this. 

>     And "modified"!  Much better word!  Here's to the epileptic sub 

We need a special pin for such as we.   


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