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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Scuttle valves & Divorce Court

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 08:21:06 -0400 Erik Muller writes:
>Actually, I have a question re. this:
>What are the reccomendations for young people in pressurised 
>envrionments? Not that I want to put a 2 year old in a hyperbaric, I 
>am just wondering if there are any existing standards for young bodies 
>under higher-than-atm pressure. I.e. how long does Pierre have to wait 
>before he can safely take his kids (assuming that he finally perfects 
>the process) aboard his ambient boat?

This is an interesting question.    Gail, now that I think about this, 
should know the answer to this question, or, at least, where to
find the answer.  It's not marine biology, but it is a related area.

I've asked about something similar.   A long time ago, when I knew 
the Right Persons, I created some interest in a hyberbaric pregnancy. 

Under some conditions, a fetus can suffer from reduced oxygen
intake.   As I recall it, that results in brain damage.   I suggested
that placing the mother under high pressure might do some

It was one of those things that appears over beer and pizza 
late at night in a university.   I didn't take it seriously, but the
others did.   Apparently, it would work!   I even found a girl
who wanted to be the mother; she was a med student.  We 
never took the idea any further than some library research.

Don't try this at home, kiddies. 

I was told, when my daughter was interested in scuba at
the age of 8, that she should not do anything with scuba
until she's about 12.    That's the limit of my knowledge of


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