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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Scuttle valves & Divorce Court

LOL!  I don't think a guy like Pat Regan is jealous of you, Jon.  He's only been building subs and diving gear for scores of years, and you haven't built any.  I think you're just angry because Psubbers have been going to his website for help, and signing up for his book.  All that proves is that people know a good thing when they see it.  Try not to take it so hard, pal!  ;-)
Yes, I did ask him for his opinion of what I was going through at Psubs.  He didn't really want to get into it, but agreed to anyway.  I think he was only trying to help. 
You seem upset about Pat's statement that I "wouldn't find what I was looking for" at Psubs.  Actually, he was just agreeing with an email from Psubber Walter Starck that I had shared with him.  Since you've made an issue of it, here it is:

Questioning what is really going on in the PSUBS list is a bit like
lifting a large rock and suddenly exposing the community of small
creatures underneath to the harsh light of day.  PSUBS is largely a
community of fantasyists.  Only a handful of participants have ever
built and/or operated a sub.  A few are "building" one but few will 
become operational.  A larger group are "designing" them.  Most of 
are not actual engineering designs but sketches and ideas.  They range
from the functional to the impossible but tend to center on the

As a group the list is enthusiastic and good natured.  There are a lot
of posts but only occasionally does one actually convey real knowledge
and most of these are in regard to technical details of construction.
First hand operational experience is virtually never discussed.

Subs, aircraft, and boats tend to attract a following of dreamers and
perennial builders.  It's a boys thing and harmless enough except in 
rare event of actually completing construction and actually trying to
use the thing.  

PSUBS is best enjoyed for what it is.  As a male techno-fantasy social
phenomenon PSUBs is fascinating but as a source of  real world 
of  functional submersibles it only occasionally has anything to offer.

Walter Starck

I think Walter Starck is right about Psubs.  So do a lot of other people.  We have the right to disagree with your omnipotent self image, don't we?  Oh please, Almighty and Powerful Oz, try not to be angry with us for not thinking you're all that and a bag of chips!  ;-)
But wow!  Yours was one of the longest and angriest rants I've ever seen!  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading it!  I read it a couple of times, it was so funny.  I'll bet it took you a long time to write it, huh?  I can just see you sitting there typing away, grumbling to yourself, reading it over and changing it until you got it just right....  LOL!  That's funny!
Oh well, later on you wacky guy you!  Like a very wise man once said, "You are nuttier than a squirrel turd."  But don't change.  Reading your raving rants is lots of fun!  ;-)

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