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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Knitting circle rules?

Hi Gail,
Obviously I was incorrect in my response and its tone.
Having tried to open the door to you I am instead insulted:
'I'm sure you'll be happy here, Peter.  Just keep "yucking it up" with the boys; talking about girls and beers.'
I never 'yuck it up' with anyone.  AND i don't drink beer.  I don't talk girls - there are other groups for that if I want.  Quite frankly I find the comment insulting and incredibly sexist.  When confronted with the possibility you were male (I used the personal pronoun 'her') I immediately apologised and corrected this minor error.  It is interesting to note that everything else said had no geneder bias.  At this stage, this issue is still unresolved, and really doesn't matter anyway.  'Rude' and "insulting' know no gender.
As for this group being a back-slapping exercise, you clearly have not read the archives.  This will show numerous examples of people being shown better and safer ways to do things.  It is not necessary to call someone wrong (or stupid) to show them a better or correct (orthodox) way to do things.  As for being killed in a faulty amateur submarine, I would suggest you read about professional military disasters that have killed large numbers of seamen before you are so quick to condemn this amateur site.  These stories are also included in the archives if you take the trouble to look.  One recurrent theme you may like to explore are the unmanned testing procedures advocated by this group before any manned testing is undertaken
Basic netiquette demands that you familiarise yourself with any applicable faqs and lurk for a while before wading into a group.  Either your mother never brought you up properly or you are not aware of this basic courtesy (or choose to ignore it for your own destructive motives).
Considering the put-downs you have made to both individuals (myself now included) and the group in general, the fact that you are still welcome on this list just proves my claim that these are tolerant people.  I for one am still happy to have you on this group - especially if you have something constructive to contribute, if not, I am still happy to have you lurk but would request that you don't fill my inbox with vitriol.
It appears you have been resoundingly incorrect regarding the hands-on experience of members you have singled out for attack.  Other quoted responses counselled you to not make a fool of yourself, but against this advice you have done just that (and continue to do so). Whilst I find your credibility, from your own words alone, is now suspect, you attribute to SFreidhof:
'You are a pompous and self-aggrandizing egotist whose entire constructive contribution consists of effusive ordure.'

I will reserve my decision on this statement but I must ask the question that has been asked here by a number of others and still remains unanswered.
who are you to criticise and what skills do you bring to this group?
I would suggest that barring an exceptionally compelling answer to this question, you should humbly apologise to the group and we can all put this behind us - or you could try another group.  I you behaved in a similar manner in a less tolerant group you would be flamed out or banned.  Maybe you should consider a knitting circle (easier pickin's) if you think you can romp into any existing group (net or real) and expect all the members to blindly kow-tow to your demands and play 'yes men' to your opinions.  I will refrain from correcting your spelling mistakes as other less tolerant groups would.  I won't call you an idiot and I sincerely believe you are not.  Claims you are a fool seem supported by your words and I will have to accept this as valid until proven otherwise.  Even a fool can learn unless they truly are an idiot.
If you can add to this group, please do so.  how many subs have you designed, built and piloted?  are you an engineer or know about something that may help with our designs or construction?  I'm even prepared to take suggestions on interior design and colour coordination if this is your skill, but if its an electronic question or a cad prodlem, I would feel more comfortable with advice from someone who is in the industry or has grappled with this problem themselves.
I'm even willing to concede that information discussed in this forum could be faulty or misleading, but then I never beleieve everything I am told, do you?  Peer review and professional advice has been the backbone of science (and engineering) since its earliest days.  And before you attach too much to professional advice ask yourself why they have indemnity insurance.  One last word on this matter.  One professional supplier to NASA screwed up a recent Mars probe because they could not tell the difference between imperial and metric measuring systems - or read the instructions stipulating metric was to be used.  So much for professional expertise.
This will be my last public post on this subject, so insult away further if this is your wont.  I only responded on this group because that is where I was attacked.