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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Test, again.

On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 09:24:57 -0600 David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 08:13 AM, Michael B Holt wrote:
>> Auuggghhhh!!!!!   I was married to an Apple girl.   There were
>> always compatability problems.
>Watch your mouth, kid -- or you'll find yourself floating home!


>>> Content-Disposition: inline;
>>> 	filename=image.tiff
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>>> Content-Type: image/tiff;
>>> 	x-unix-mode=0666;
>>> 	name="image.tiff"
>> What's this?   The version of Juno here is wonderful
>> because it protects me from viruses, but I can't see
>> images.   (Send it to mholt@richmond.edu)
>I don't know what it is. I didn't send any images - not on purpose, 
>anyway. That's from the headers on my message? Weird. Now I'm worried. 

I sent to your personal address the full message I got, with
the complete headers.

>See if this message has anything added; I did the same thing: just 
>replied to your PSubs post.

Nothing was added this time.

>> What were the times on the last few messages?   I may have
>> a problem with Juno's programming to prevent spam.
>Could it also have added attachments? Sorry -- I've deleted them all.

Juno 1.49 -- the antique I use -- strips attachments off and converts
exectuables and images to text.   If anything was added, it was 
added at your end.  I find it VERY unlikely that ANY Apple machine
would do that.   What I got was probably just formatting for the
message -- which is converted to text.

Speaking of submarines, I think I have enough to reverse-engineer
Holland's first boat.   Anyone want to join that party?

I found my documentation of the Mystery Submarine in New Orleans.
I should think about building a static replica, about a foot long.

Mike Holt

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