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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Test, again.

On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 06:16:51 -0600 David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 03:54 AM, Michael B Holt wrote:
>> Is this thing on?   My last message was a 3 a.m., two days ago.
>Uh-oh. Last I got (before you) was:

Auuggghhhh!!!!!   I was married to an Apple girl.   There were
always compatability problems.

>Content-Disposition: inline;
>	filename=image.tiff
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>Content-Type: image/tiff;
>	x-unix-mode=0666;
>	name="image.tiff"

What's this?   The version of Juno here is wonderful 
because it protects me from viruses, but I can't see
images.   (Send it to mholt@richmond.edu)

>It's slow, but not that slow.

What were the times on the last few messages?   I may have
a problem with Juno's programming to prevent spam.



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