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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Welder with Vision

Not as of yet, I will send them when complete, I may even hand draw something to get my questions answered.  I am in the process of moving from one home to another, once settled in, I plan on building a cardboard mock up to nail down the measurements.  The pressure hull is nothing more than a pipe with end caps (30 or 45 Degree Cones), the pilot and passenger are in the sitting position, their upper bodies and head are in the conning tower.  

For the conning tower, I plan to cut in half a length of pipe (smaller diameter), and mate it to the main pressure hull - am I making sense ? 

I plan on using pipe flanges for view ports - here's my question:  With the forward end cap on the conning tower ( that is cut in half or shaped to match the surface of the pressure hull ) can I mate a pipe flange to that - given all the angles ?  Am I asking for a fabrication nightmare ? 

Again, my little knowledge of metal works - The end cap is already coned and cut to match the pressure hull, is it feasible to cut a hole in it to accept the pipe flange for a forward view port ?  

Please keep in mind, this is conceptual, I appreciate constructive criticism. 

Thanks in advance. 



> Is a DWG or DXF file available ? 
> Or a scan of the drawing as JPG ? 
> What kind of questions about the welds ?
> regards Carsten (Naval Architect)
> irox schrieb:
> > 
> > Hi Rob,
> > 
> > unforunately I can't recommend anybody to review your design, but I do
> > hold some of your concerns.   Mainly - will people think we are nuts when
> > we ask professionals to review our designs?
> > 
> > Has anybody had/hired a professional engineer (in the appropriate field) to
> > review your submarine designs?  Was it hard finding somebody willing to review
> > them?  What where the reactions you where getting from people?
> > 
> > Also how much did it cost to have the design reviewed professionally?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> >   Ian.
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: robertbatta@comcast.net
> > Sent: Dec 29, 2003 2:09 PM
> > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> > Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Welder with Vision
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > Hope everyones holidays are going well.  Here is my question, I am nearing the 
> end of hull design for my 1ATM two man sub.  The next steps are to consult a 
> welder to iron out the details.  Do to my lack of knowledge in steel 
> fabrication, I would like a welder - the one doing the work - to look at my 
> drafting and make modification suggestions if necessary.  For all I know, I 
> could be asking for some angel that would require tremendous fabrication effort, 
> and could be done another way.
> > 
> > Does anyone know a welder in New Jersey or PA that wouldnt think I am out of 
> my mind for building a sub ? ? ?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > Rob
> >