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[PSUBS-MAILIST] oil filled battery pods

Hi All,         I have finally come around to the thinking of using the oil filled battery pod because it really will keep the cost down and it frees you up from having to create a pressure vessel just for the batteries, it's really an attractive solution !  It would be a simple matter to drain the oil out also so you can work in that area.  I can see where the next logical step to oil filled motors would be a benefit to.
  A lot of discussion has taken place in the past on oil filled motors and I really did not see what the big deal was, however now I find myself thinking about it more.  I hope I'm not beating a dead horse!!  I guess the big stumbling block with the motors is the problem of metal particles floating around in the oil causing problems and filters have been suggested.  It seems to me that what could be done is to first obtain your motor of choice and then fabricate a new housing for it so that is it sealed against oil leaking out.  Then fit some type of filter system to it.  Or maybe have a much larger housing for the motor so that there would be a much larger volume of oil,  thereby dispersing the particles more, then periodically change out the oil.  But one question I have is - do motors  like  to run with oil surrounding the armature?  doesn't that create a lot of drag on the motor?   I guess you could  size your motor larger to compensate for that drag but you would be losing efficiency.  Happy Thanksgiving !!