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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Group support...or is that "Support Group"?

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:30:22 -0600 "Mark Steed"
<plutomark@mail.astate.edu> writes:
>After digesting everything from yesterday and studying about all this, 
>my vote is with the Seehund. With a design such as it, I can actually 
>picture myself with a PSub someday. I have a very long way to go to 
>even begin such a project but this is the path I will take.

Mark, if you really want to take a shot at a replica Seehund, I want to 
be there.   (I'm looking for a thesis project, but a Seehund is a bit 
bigger than what I had in mind.)    

> Thanks-and best regards- Mark-Psubs SOFLOT 
>ARDRON (Mike-I love the acronyms!) 

Acronyms are an art form!    We need to fine-tune this thing, though. 

Mike Holt
Psubs SoFlot VaRon 1

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