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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Group support...or is that "Support Group"?

Mark, the best sources are: (Contains also the GAP) 

Die Seehunde, Klaus Mattes
Mittler 1995 ISBN 3-8132-0484-7

Midget Submarines of the Second World War 
Paul Kemp, Chatham publishing
ISBN 1 - 86176 042 6
Comes with a GAP of a Seehund and a X-craft

This guy makes really good copy drawings of the original : 
(Biber, X-craft, Holland etc.) 


I have the X-craft from him and there are really nicely. 

regards Carsten 

Mark Steed schrieb:
> After digesting everything from yesterday and studying about all this, my vote is with the Seehund. With a design such as it, I can actually picture myself with a PSub someday. I have a very long way to go to even begin such a project but this is the path I will take. Doug, I may take you up on your great and ever present generosity. I speak pretty good German too. Thanks-and best regards- Mark-Psubs SOFLOT ARDRON (Mike-I love the acronyms!)
> Mark E. Steed
> Arkansas State University Museum
> 110 Cooley Drive,PO Box#490
> State University, AR 72467-0490
> Tel#(870)972-2074 Fax#(870)972-2793
> Email: plutomark@mail.astate.edu
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: SeaLordOne@aol.com
> Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Date:  Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:31:14 EST
> >Dewey,
> >
> >Why the biber?  Biber was one of the most poorly designed midget subs of
> >WWII, as I recall.  Sea keeping was poor, visibility was non-existent, few made it
> >back to port because of suffication and operational limitations, and it had
> >no depth keeping functionality.  If you dived, you simply sunk all the way to
> >the bottom.  There was no way to hold depth.
> >
> >I assume you will redesign the hull and internal structures, and replace the
> >gas engine with diesel?  While they did not perform well, they did look pretty
> >cool!  I would certainly be willing to share my sources (some in German) with
> >you, if that is what you want to do.  Ever consider a Seehund?  That was a
> >very well designed boat.  I could get into that project.  Any other opinions out
> >there?
> >
> >Doug Farrow
> >
> >