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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Group support...or is that "Support Group"?


Don't your Bronco have a "super low gear" four wheel drive???

It could do the trip at 18 mph...



>From: Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Group support...or is that "Support Group"?
>Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 12:39:19 -0700
>Hmmmm.  The Biber was about 5 tons displacement, IIRC and the Seehund
>was 15.  Don't know about Dewey, but weioght is a huge issue for me as
>I'm in the middle of bum f**k Egypt (errrr ok, Wyoming.  Close
>enough....) and have a ways to drive to a suitable body of water.  For
>me hauling 15 tons would require a tractor/trailer set up.  And I just
>have a Bronco.
>SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Dewey,
> >
> > Why the biber?  Biber was one of the most poorly designed midget subs
> > of WWII, as I recall.  Sea keeping was poor, visibility was
> > non-existent, few made it back to port because of suffication and
> > operational limitations, and it had no depth keeping functionality.
> > If you dived, you simply sunk all the way to the bottom.  There was no
> > way to hold depth.
> >
> > I assume you will redesign the hull and internal structures, and
> > replace the gas engine with diesel?  While they did not perform well,
> > they did look pretty cool!  I would certainly be willing to share my
> > sources (some in German) with you, if that is what you want to do.
> > Ever consider a Seehund?  That was a very well designed boat.  I could
> > get into that project.  Any other opinions out there?
> >
> > Doug Farrow
>  "With the first link, the chain is forged.  The first speech censured,
>the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied....chains us all
>irrevocably.  The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we are all
>damaged."  -- Capt. Picard, STNG

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