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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Speculation...

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:05:21 -0500 "Raven93" <airdale@htva.net> writes:
>    When are submarines going to go mainstream?  When will I commonly 
>see people trailering their sub to the lake?  Will they ever be even 
>half as popular as surface craft.  And the biggy, what sort of design 
>would it take?

Mainstream?   I hope it never happens.   When everyone has one, there
will be Federal regulation and that means the cost goes up dramatiically.
Given the accident rate now, we don't need regulations nor do we need
to encourage the mildly-interested to get involved while hoping the 
problems and the dangers have been removed by the rules.

>    So what about a lightweight design made of composites framed up =
>something like an old tube and fabric airplane?  Yeah, ballast will be 
>a MAJOR issue.  How about water ballast, maybe combined with some lead? 

>Flood and blow?

Why not a Bionic Dolphin?  Great idea that matches your needs!

>    Another thing, most people aren't divers like me.  They'll want a 
>dry sub, and enough room to take the fam for a cruise.  And they'll 
>want a trailerable boat.  And being a diver, I can tell you now I'd
>free swim with scuba gear than ride in a wet sub.

I'm not a diver, and I have no desire to sit in a tub of cold water
and watch things drift by!   Family cruising in submarines will not
happen until the prices go down dramatically -- and when there's
something to do while submerged.  

>    There is a design, it just has to be thought of.  And when it is, 
>submarines will become a popular sport beyond us compulsive tinkerers 
>and dreamers, a sport within reach of the average working guy for 
>weekend entertainment.

I love the term "compulsive tinkerer"!   We need t-shirts with that
emblazoned across it.

>    Has anyone looked at adapting airplane building techniques to 
>submarines?  So far, heavy and traditional has not brought about the 
>"everyman sub".  Maybe going in a totally unexpected direction is the 
>answer to finding the design.  Just some thoughts.  I might be crazy, 
>ha ha!

I've thought about that.   A lot.   My final conclusion -- so far -- is
it won't work for a 1 ATM design.  The pressure hull will have to be 
heavy, and small airplanes don't have parts that concentrate the
weight to the same extent.

Crazy can be a good thing.   Ask Bishop Wright about his sons!


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