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I heard there was a fellow in your Finger Lakes area I believe built a small version one man of a German U boat and I had a photograph of him from the newspaper inout of the conning tower in a German copy of a U boat commander uniform?
Would like to find out about u boat copies functioining today.
Also thanks to whoever put up the site of American Science Supply.
I got two of their Ballo-Gato Class WW2 working models diving, ballast the works for $9.95 each min order $10 and they work fine. Go to the bottom of the pool sit awhile and then come up. Wonder why it wouldn't be possible to make a human carrying larger model out of surfboard fiberglass?
Bob Smith in Hawaii
"Mark Steed" <plutomark@mail.astate.edu> wrote:
>Rick: Welcome aboard and thanks for the great links- Mark Steed
>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>From: "Raven93" <airdale@htva.net>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:42:00 -0500
>> Well, like many others, I've been sitting on the sidelines for awhile and finally decided to join. I'm retired U.S. Navy, and have been working on keeping my wife frantic with worry over my projects since we got married. After the airplane thing, I figured submarines had to be next, ha ha! I'm up in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.
>> For the guy looking for coatings, check these links, they might help: