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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: sub in da news -roll our own

 Think we ought to bid on the contract?  Bet we could underbid the competition 
> ... ;-)
> Warm Regards
> Shawn
"See the world in a - ow- in my eye- does anybody have tweezers?" - just kidding.
You know, the talent and resources in psubs collectively is astounding. There IS a UK ship design contest, with a reward in the 1000's of pounds. Honestly, we COULD 'give 'em hell'... on the cheap, with free labour.Or we could just build one for ourself.

Latest idea- glass - ambient pressure - open bottom. Immersion experience.

Aura Communication has agreed to send me a free sample of their near-field magnetic chip. Range of 4', very low power requirements.  Now I just have to convince my call centre manager to accept it...

Pie-in-sky - radioactive isotope power supply. Water electrolysis -limitless oxygen, could bottle h2 for power cell apps. Never hafta come up! Well, until the half-life anyway.... D.