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Re: Prone position.. was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Carsten: Sgt. Pepper
For the "head first"interested.
There is already a lot of work done in the aircraft scene. Carsten already
mentioned hanggliders.
This site may contain some info for you. Some aircraft (Horten) were
Flying wings are another interest of me.
Groet, Emile van Essen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alec Smyth" <Asmyth@changepoint.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: Prone position.. was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Carsten: Sgt. Pepper
> Hi Shawn,
> We're taking a very similar tack... my internal hull diameter is 30" and
> a fraction, and I'm using a sloped pad just as you describe. You can
> lock yourself in place with elbows and knees, and if that's insufficient
> I'm thinking of a Velcro band from the pad around my back. I didn't go
> with the hang glider idea because it seemed cumbersome in the very
> limited space available, plus I don't think it would work inverted.
> I haven't yet gone diving as the sub is under construction, but the pad
> is already built and I've tried it out in the garage... despite much
> tinkering with the angle, etc. it's still pretty darned uncomfortable.
> I also note the evolutions of Graham Hawkes' designs: Deep flight I has
> a "purist" prone position. DF II (not built) is an "angled up prone".
> And his latest design, Aviator, uses a conventional seated position.
> That tells me a lot, but unfortunately I'd already started when Aviator
> showed up.
> I think there is a parallel to the rider's position on a sportbike I
> used to own; dictated purely by aerodynamic considerations.
> Uncomfortable as hell, yet the ride might be exciting enough to make you
> forget it. After a two hour ride I could hardly walk, but that doesn't
> mean it wasn't worth it!
> If I were building a sub for moderate or low visibility water (think
> Carsten) a "flyer" would not be a viable option, so I'd never even
> consider a prone position.
> Cheers,
> Alec
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carsten Standfuss [mailto:MerlinSub@t-online.de]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:32 AM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Prone position.. was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Carsten: Sgt. Pepper
> What was it about the prone position that was uncomfortable? My current
> design is prone and about the same length, but with a 700mm-750mm
> (~28"-30") diameter, a
> hanging harness (think hanggliders), and a sloped chest-hip pad with
> chin-rest that keeps most of the weight off the elbows and neck.
> Warm Regards
> Shawn
> Shawn the answer is simple - build a 1:1 scale mockeup from unexpensive
> material - in your wifes kittchen maybe. Than go in and test it so long
> you want - if you build a sub according to class standards - a single
> seater = 72 hours..
> If you find it after 3-4 hours still comfortable - maybe okay.
> In Sgt.Peppers about 2 hours is the border. (540 m diameter) If you want
> to sit for some minutes in the sub - you need about a diamter of at
> least 900 mm ..
> On problem on Sgt.Peppers is that you can not reach the technic near
> your legs and feets with the hands.. so all technic which need control
> or maintance during the dive has to be in the area of your hands.. -
> thats the area were also your shoulders are..
> hmm.. build a plywood, paper something mockeup and test it for hours..
> I build a 1:1 mockeup of Sgt.Peppers and test it before I build the real
> thing - but I test it only for minutes - 5 Minutes there - 10 minutes
> this. That was wrong. Test it at leat so long as you wish to dive - and
> than add 100 % - if you fell comfortable - okay build it..
> regards Carsten
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