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Re: Escape drills? [was: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Steinke Hoods]

If I had a sub built, I wouldn't practice just once.  I'd practice
escape every chance I got.

You can screw up in a practice drill.  But when that sub you're in is in
trouble and you gotta bail, there is no room for mistakes.  

I can deal with losing a $150,000 sub, I can't deal with losing my
life.  Somethings you can't do a rebound from.

Ian Roxborough wrote:
> Escape drills maybe?
> I know I would feel a little happier if I could practice an
> underwater exit, even if just once.  I've no real wish to
> design a submarine which can be flood (my pillows would get wet!),
> but I would like to practice flooding and exiting a submerged
> submarine.  Preferably from around 10 feet deep or so, I've no
> wish to find out what it is like from 350 feet or even 130 feet.
> Other than it taking longer to flood the submarine and taking
> less time to 'travel' to the surface, I don't think praticing
> escape drills from shallows would be much different (other than
> making it easier to recover the submarine afterwards).
> I'm guessing that the submarine could be recovered by a diver,
> close the hatch used to exit and fill the hull full of compressed
> air to clear out the water.
> Ian.
> On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:43:06 -0500
> Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com> wrote:
> > Just thinking about the hoods while watching the little monsters
> > collect candy ...
> >
> > Are the hoods resuable?   After we escape once, can we go back
> > and do it again?   (Presumably, the second use would be for a
> > totally different reason.)
> >
> > I'm just curious.   I have no desire ever to use one: that would
> > be am admission of error on my part!
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
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