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Escape drills? [was: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Steinke Hoods]

Escape drills maybe?

I know I would feel a little happier if I could practice an
underwater exit, even if just once.  I've no real wish to
design a submarine which can be flood (my pillows would get wet!),
but I would like to practice flooding and exiting a submerged
submarine.  Preferably from around 10 feet deep or so, I've no
wish to find out what it is like from 350 feet or even 130 feet.
Other than it taking longer to flood the submarine and taking
less time to 'travel' to the surface, I don't think praticing
escape drills from shallows would be much different (other than
making it easier to recover the submarine afterwards).

I'm guessing that the submarine could be recovered by a diver,
close the hatch used to exit and fill the hull full of compressed
air to clear out the water.


On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:43:06 -0500
Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com> wrote:

> Just thinking about the hoods while watching the little monsters
> collect candy ...
> Are the hoods resuable?   After we escape once, can we go back
> and do it again?   (Presumably, the second use would be for a
> totally different reason.)
> I'm just curious.   I have no desire ever to use one: that would
> be am admission of error on my part!
> Mike
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