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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Feet wet?

It's newer, but a twin I think. Not an evolution.
Here's an url referring to it  http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1395/
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 20:40:24 -0700 (PDT) Chris Nugent <dirkpitt77@yahoo.com> writes:
     " or NR-1 or -2 types of course..."
       There's an NR-2?

atozed@juno.com wrote:
I'd like to get firsthand information about owning and using a 1 atm psub.
Built or bought, reason for building/buying/selling, crew needed, how often/ many times used, how moved- both in and out (tow vehicles) of the water, emergency contingencies (jettisonable ballast/prop?), where used (ocean/lakes),  rebreather or not, radio or not, unexpected problems or costs.
How many are in the world? Not the Alvin, Deep Rover or NR-1 or -2 types of course..
Also- Busby's Manned Submersibles: anyone with a copy willing to consider the copyright issues and Xeroxing a "best of " or the whole book?
-Peter Korwin

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