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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] re-designed Esmae

I see what you mean Steve.  Great idea, we just gotta get to work on it.

Steven Mills wrote:
> Brian and all,
> Your design gives me an idea that ties in to the "escape & rescue" topic.
> Instead of being a propelled-submersible, it can be configured as a
> snorkel that has a gas generator and air pump on the vertical end that
> would be above the surface.  It would also be large enough to carry
> other equipment including hoses [ attached thru ports below ] to provide
> air for the disabled sub and the rescue sub if needed and if the rescue
> operation takes longer than expected.  Since it doesn't have propulsors,
> it
> would be towed out along with surface craft.  It could also pump air into
> bags that could help lift the disabled sub.  There would be enough fuel
> for continuous operation for a period of time, if more fuel is needed
> then
> the surface craft could shuttle for more fuel while the snokel is still
> running
> on reserves providing air for both subs [ and divers? ].
> I suppose this would be classed more as a buoy, but it could be ballasted
> to submerge in case the disabled sub is deeper. The air could be pumped
> into holding tanks while at surface and then submerged to the sub and
> rescue sub.
> Is this practical?  Probably too complex?  Oh well, it's late, my brain
> threatens
> to abandon me for needed sleep.
> signing off, --Steve
> On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 21:27:16 -0700 "Brian Cox" <ojaibees@ojai.net>
> writes:
> > I have some pictures of my new working model of Esmae.  This model at
> > the present time does not have any moving alirons or dive planes I
> > was
> > more concerned with the general balance in it's various positions.
> > Since the model was made out of fiberglass (instead of ferro-cement)
> >  I
> > had to do some adjustments as far as weight distribution.  All seems
> > to
> > be working out very well !      I've started a collection of
> > pictures on
> > a personal web page, I have specifications and calculations that I
> > plan
> > to transfer from paper in the near future but for now here is what
> > I've
> > got !       http://www.ojai.net/ojaibees/index.htm
> >
> > Brian Cox

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible" - F. Zappa