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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] re-designed Esmae

Brian and all,

Your design gives me an idea that ties in to the "escape & rescue" topic.

Instead of being a propelled-submersible, it can be configured as a
snorkel that has a gas generator and air pump on the vertical end that
would be above the surface.  It would also be large enough to carry
other equipment including hoses [ attached thru ports below ] to provide
air for the disabled sub and the rescue sub if needed and if the rescue
operation takes longer than expected.  Since it doesn't have propulsors,
would be towed out along with surface craft.  It could also pump air into
bags that could help lift the disabled sub.  There would be enough fuel
for continuous operation for a period of time, if more fuel is needed
the surface craft could shuttle for more fuel while the snokel is still
on reserves providing air for both subs [ and divers? ].

I suppose this would be classed more as a buoy, but it could be ballasted
to submerge in case the disabled sub is deeper. The air could be pumped
into holding tanks while at surface and then submerged to the sub and
rescue sub.

Is this practical?  Probably too complex?  Oh well, it's late, my brain
to abandon me for needed sleep.

signing off, --Steve

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 21:27:16 -0700 "Brian Cox" <ojaibees@ojai.net>
> I have some pictures of my new working model of Esmae.  This model at
> the present time does not have any moving alirons or dive planes I 
> was
> more concerned with the general balance in it's various positions.
> Since the model was made out of fiberglass (instead of ferro-cement) 
>  I
> had to do some adjustments as far as weight distribution.  All seems 
> to
> be working out very well !      I've started a collection of 
> pictures on
> a personal web page, I have specifications and calculations that I 
> plan
> to transfer from paper in the near future but for now here is what 
> I've
> got !       http://www.ojai.net/ojaibees/index.htm
> Brian Cox