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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Composite pressure hull?

> Yeah, I'd like to have a big sub, but cost is a prime factor.  Funny
> thing is that I really don't need to go very deep.  I expect the max.
> depth to be used is maybe 250', and that's pushing it.  I feel
> comfortable saying max. use depth is 150'.  With an airlock for
> gathering samples.  
> --
D: Air lock? How do you plan to do that?

> or whatever, it's gonna stay in landlocked water bodies.  Maybe the
> Great Salt Lake, but not Humboldt Bay or the Pacific ocean.
> Carl
D: can somebody cheap out on parts in freshwater. which parts?

God Bless Zappa - he was in interview with ornery host. guy said you have long hair guess that makes you a girl. The host had a peg leg. Zappa, without missing a beat says you have a wooden leg guess that makes you a table!!!